Friday, February 14, 2014

"Shooting Stars"

         With the advent of modern technology, people can do works easily and faster, such as gathering of information, making reports, and recording data. This can also be called as the “New Media” - a genre that encompasses artworks created with new media technologies. And because of our modern technology, photography and photojournalism has also been affected. From painting, sculpting, photographic plates to digital camera, phone cameras and tablets; these are just some examples of the transformation of devices used in photography due to the changes that is happening to technology.

   Let me first start at the history of photography. The word Photography comes from two ancient Greek words: photo, meaning “light” and graph, meaning “to write” or “drawing”. "Drawing with light" is a way of describing photography. When a photograph is made, light or some other form of radiant energy is used to record a picture of an object or scene on a light-sensitive surface. Mankind has been a maker of images at least since the cave paintings of some 20,000 years ago. With the invention of photography, a realistic image that would have taken a skilled artist hours or days to draw could be recorded in exact detail within a fraction of a second.

   Today, photography is not only considered as a form of art, it has become a powerful means of communication and form of visual expression. Most photographs taken today are snapshots- a means of crystallizing memories such as birthdays, weddings and vacations.

   Photographs are extensively used by books, magazines, newspapers and television to advertise products or share information. Photographs are also displayed in museums--- prized by collectors, discussed and studied in art history courses.

   A camera is a uniquely responsive tool, an extension of the photographer’s eye and mind. A photographer can create a work of art by selecting what to include or exclude in a photo. He must also keep in mind the distance, focus, the lighting, and the shutter speed before taking a picture. I wouldn't list all of the aspects and controls, but in order to capture an artistic image you have to study the basic photography information. Then after that, you can go on and experiment with your camera.

   Well, I can enlist some of the basic information in photography here on this write-up. First, one must insure their equipment. Second, read your camera’s manual! This is a really obvious basic information since you have to read enough of the manual so that you know how to perform the basic operations with your camera that you'll need in the field. Next is about one’s state of mind. Yes, your state of mind is also crucial when taking great pictures. In order to take a good shot, photographers must always be prepared. One simple tip is that always carry your camera. If you don’t have a camera, then you don’t have a shot at all. Expect the unexpected and take what you find!

   A photographer must always be prepared but should also be flexible; meaning, open to what he finds in there. Patience is the key to taking great pictures too. A photographer must wait until he gets it right, and with that he may surprise him with the results. One of the rules in taking great shots is to connect with your emotions. A photographer should shoot what he is passionate about.

  In photojournalism, timeliness, narrative, and objectivity are one of the important elements in taking pictures. That’s why as a photojournalist, I must learn taking great photos by following the basic guidelines in photography.

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