Monday, February 17, 2014

[Reflection] 9 Environmental Principles

    Look around you. What do you see? Everything is modern now, isn't it? As time passes, human progress has been intensely growing. This is good because modern technology is helping us do things a lot more efficiently. It makes matters simple and easy to do. But, let us take a look behind the positive side of it. We have been using modern technology almost every day in our lives that it is coming to the extent of us abusing its uses. Why do I think so? I mean, my point is not about modern technology, but it is about how modern technology affects nature. Surely, you’ll ask: “What is the connection anyway?”

   As you can see, most of the materials that are being used to create the things around are from nature. With the increasing of human progress, the demand of more resources is also increasing. And the main resource is nature. Now, let us put up the question “How modern technology affects nature?” by reflecting on the different environmental principles.

   With the advent of modern technology, we can do things easier and faster. But there are some ‘side effects’.  For example, a car. A car is a vehicle that transports passengers just by using its own engines or motor. Cars are very important and are used in a daily basis by almost everyone. Though, cars release carbon monoxide- a chemical that can be toxic to both human and animals. Not only that, carbon monoxide may cause pollution in air.

   That is just one example of how modern technology affects nature. Ever heard of forests greatly being destroyed in the country? Well, of course you have! It’s not like you live under a rock or something. So, this really made me reflect on the things we have done that greatly affect Mother Nature. Forests are being destroyed for making more space to civilization. This means that the destroyed forests are going to be used to make houses, buildings, cities, and etc. This also means a great loss of animal habitat. And if animals were to be extinct because they don’t have their homes anymore, what will happen to us? There would be an imbalance in the ecosystem. This will heavily affect our lifestyle. Here is where the environmental principle no. three applies. “Everything is connected to Everything Else.” The principle just means that whatever you do affects everyone although a connection might not be visible. Whatever we do to the environment, shall be done to us someday.

   I have also learned that sometimes, we underestimate things. But later on, we will realize how important it is to the circle of life. Every living thing is important. Everything has its own purposes or contribution to the wellness of our ecosystem and without a certain form of life, everything is not right.

   During the discussion of the environmental principles, I have gained more knowledge about the environment; such as that time-to-time, things change; there is no permanent in this world. We only have limited sources. Greater chances are that nature is going to be destroyed due to human’s ignorance to earth’s cries of help. I have notice that climate change is occurring to different countries worldwide. I was even wondering if people are becoming aware of it. But I do hope so.  Nature is one of the beautiful things God has made and gave to us. He entrusted us to protect his wonderful creation in exchange of us using it. But then, we are stepping beyond the line, which is wrong. Let us not be selfish. Everyone should think of the upcoming generations and to the animals. May everyone respect and follow the order of nature so that our world will be much more beautiful than ever! Let’s make this a better place to live in. And in order to accomplish this kind of goal, we must take care of nature before it becomes completely wipe out.

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